New York collage - SOLD
Collage, ink and acrylic on paper

No Mans Land
Collage, ink and acrylic on paper

101 Summers
Charcoal and Conte on paper

Low Wray
Charcoal and acrylic on paper

Staigue Fort, Kerry
Charcoal, Conte and earth on paper

Staigue Fort
Charcoal and Conte on paper

Staigue Fort II
Charcoal and Conte on paper

Wood, Ballinskelligs - SOLD
Charcoal and Conte on paper

180 Degree drawing
122 x 152cm - Charcoal, Conte and ink on paper

3D Drawing
60cm dia x 240cm - Charcoal, Conte and ink on paper

3D Drawing
60cm dia x 240cm - Charcoal, Conte and ink on paper

The Daily News - Financial
Ink, collage and pen on paper

The Daily News - Unemployment
Ink, collage and pen on paper

The Daily News - Snow alert
Ink, collage and pen on paper

The Daily News - Hopeless
Ink, collage and pen on paper

The Daily News - Love
Ink, collage and pen on paper

The Daily News - Creation
Ink, collage and pen on paper